Legislation and Local Laws


The Local Government Act 1995 provides the framework for local governments within Western Australia.

Local Laws

Local Laws govern what happens on land owned or managed by the City, and occasionally on privately owned land within the City's boundaries. If you have questions about any of these laws please give our Governance team a call on 9272 0622 or email mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au

Please note that Australian Standards referred to the City's Local Laws can be located free of charge through the 'Reader Room' on the Standards Australia webpage

Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2020

The purpose of the Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2020 is to make one local law regulating activities in thoroughfares and trading in thoroughfares and public places.

The effect of the Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2020 is that some activities on thoroughfares and public places are prohibited and some activities are permitted only under permit or in compliance with conditions set out in the local law.

Dogs Local Law 2016

The purpose of the Dogs Local Law 2016 is to provide for the additional controls and management of matters relating to dogs that are not specified in the Dog Act 1976 and provide clarity to promote and encourage responsible dog ownership.

The effect of the Dogs Local Law 2016 is to provide regulatory measures in relation to the impounding of dogs, the number of dogs that can be kept, establishment of approved kennels and the manner in which dogs are to be confined by the occupier of the premises and to promote and encourage responsible dog ownership whilst providing authority to enforce the laws and administer fines.

On 24 September 2024, the Council resolved to amend the City's Dogs Local Law 2016. City officers are currently preparing a draft amendment local which will then be submitted for Council's approval in late 2024 or early 2025 to advertise for public comment. Following this, members of the public will be able to make a submission in relation to the draft local law. Information on how to make a submission will be found at Review of Dog Local Law 2016 | Engage Bayswater.

Fencing and Floodlighting Local Law 2016 (Amended 2019)

The purpose of the Fencing and Floodlighting Local Law 2016 (amended 2019) is to require sufficient fence and tennis court floodlighting, and provide the specifications for the construction and maintenance of fences and tennis court floodlighting throughout the district.

The effect of the Fencing and Floodlighting Local Law 2016 (amended 2019) is to establish the requirements for the construction and maintenance of fencing and tennis court floodlighting within the district.

Health Local Law 2023

The purpose of the Health Local Law 2023 (as amended in 2024) is to provide for the regulation of issues that may adequately affect public health or otherwise cause a nuisance within the City of Bayswater.

The effect of the Health Local Law 2023 (as amended in 2024) is to prescribe obligations and requirements that apply to the owners or occupiers of land in order to reduce unacceptable risks to public health or undue effects on the amenity of surrounding residents within the City of Bayswater.

The original Health Local Law 2023 as gazetted on 25 August 2023 can be found here. The original local law has since been amended by the Health Amendment Local Law 2024, which can be found here.

Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2022

The purpose of the Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2022 (as amended in 2023) is to provide additional controls and management of matters relating to cats that are not specified in the Cat Act 2011, and to promote and encourage responsible cat ownership. The Cat Act 2011 requires all cats to be microchipped, sterilised and registered with the respective local government from the age of six months.

The effect of the Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2022 (as amended in 2023 and 2024) is that it will provide a framework for managing the issues that are not covered in the Cat Act 2011. Those issues include the control of nuisance cats, cat management facilities, limits on the number of cats permitted to be kept and humane treatment of feral cats.

The original Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law 2022  was gazetted on 7 October 2022 and can be found here. The original local law has since been amended by the Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2023 (which can be downloaded here). 

The Council made the Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2024 at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 October 2024.  Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2024 . More information can be found at  Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2024 | Engage Bayswater.

Local Government Property Local Law 2016

The purpose of the Local Government Property Local Law 2016 is to provide for the regulation, control and management of activities and facilities on all local government property, with the exception of thoroughfares, within the district.

The effect of the Local Government Property Local Law 2016 is to establish the requirements with which any person using or being on all local government property within the district, must comply.

On 24 September 2024, the Council resolved to amend the City's Local Government Property Law 2016. At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 12 December 2024 Council resolved consent to advertise the Local Government Property Amendment Local Law 2024 for public comment.  A copy of the proposed draft local law is provided in the attached link: Proposed-Draft-Local-Government-Property-Local-Law-2024-to-advertise-PDF.pdf and a further Information on how to make a submission can be found at Review of Local Government Property Local Law | Engage Bayswater.

Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2016

The purpose of the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2016 is to provide for the regulation, control and management of parking within the City.

The effect of the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2016 is to control parking throughout the City to ensure the safe, fair and equitable use of parking facilities under the care and control of the City.

On 24 September 2024, the Council resolved to amend the City's Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2016. City officers are currently preparing a draft amendment local which will then be submitted for Council's approval in 2025 to advertise for public comment. Following this, members of the public will be able to make a submission in relation to the draft local law. Information on how to make a submission will be found at Review of Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2016 | Engage Bayswater.

Standing Orders Local Law 2021

The purpose of the Standing Orders Local Law 2021  is to provide for the orderly conduct of the proceedings and business of the Council.

The effect of the Standing Orders Local Law 2021 is that all Council Meetings, Committee Meetings, and other meetings as described in the Local Government Act 1995, shall be governed by these standing orders unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

The WA State Government is currently developing regulations to standardise meeting procedures across local governments as part of the reform of the Local Government Act 1995. When the new regulations come into effect, the Standing Orders Local Law 2021 will be repealed.

Waste Local Law 2020

The purpose of the Waste Local Law 2020 (as amended in 2022) is to provide for the regulation, control and management of waste and recycling collection services within the City.

The effect of the Waste Local Law 2020 (as amended in 2022) is for the efficient separation and removal of general recycling and organics waste (FOGO) from households in the City, which will reduce the impact on landfill and better use these materials.

The original Waste Local Law 2020 was gazetted on 19 January 2021 and can be found here. The original local law has since been amended by the Waste Amendment Local Law 2022, which can be found here.

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