New Cat Local Law prohibits cats from 43 sites

The City's new Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2023 prohibits cats from 43 sites across Bayswater.

New Cat Local Law prohibits cats from 43 sites
Aug 30 2023

At the August Ordinary Council Meeting, Council voted to proceed with making a new Keeping and Control of Cats Amendment Local Law 2023.

The new law prohibits cats from 43 sites across Bayswater in a significant step forward in protecting City wildlife and fauna.

Locations include environmentally sensitive sites such as Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary and Gobba Lake, as well as the Bayswater Industrial Area. 

Council also requested CEO Jeremy Edwards to advocate for the State Government to urgently review the Cat Act 2021 to give all local governments the power to better protect wildlife and fauna. 

Council also requested the CEO immediately commence another review of the City’s Keeping and Control of Cats Local Law to consider what additional methods could be included to protect wildlife in the City.

The Cat Local Law promotes and encourages responsible cat ownership and provides a framework for the control of nuisance cats, cat management facilities and limitations to the number of household cats permitted.

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