City seeks community feedback on draft amendments to tree policies

The City is inviting feedback on draft amendments to its Trees on Private Land and Street Verges Policy, and Significant Tree Register Policy and Guidelines.

City seeks community feedback on draft amendments to tree policies
Nov 07 2024

The City is inviting feedback on draft amendments to its Trees on Private Land and Street Verges Policy, and Significant Tree Register Policy and Guidelines.

The City’s existing Trees on Private Land and Street Verges Policy seeks to increase tree canopy across the City by requiring trees to be planted on private land and street verges.

The draft amended policy seeks to provide greater protection to existing trees on private land and support additional tree canopy within new developments.

The City's Significant Tree Register provides additional protection to trees that hold special aesthetic, social, cultural or ecological value.

The existing policy and guidelines outline the process, requirements and considerations when nominating a tree for the register, and obligations for landowners who own a tree on the register.

A draft amended policy now out for feedback seeks to make the registration of significant trees on private land easier, ensuring greater protection is afforded to them.

Submissions on these policies can be made by visiting the City’s Engage Bayswater website:

Submissions close Monday 9 December 2024.

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