Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact information for our services and facilities.

City of Bayswater Civic Centre

Phone: 9272 0622

Address: 61 Broun Avenue, Morley

Mailing address: PO Box 467 Morley WA 6943

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm (Monday to Friday)

Fax: 9272 0665


Customer service feedback

The City of Bayswater is committed to providing you with exceptional customer service, and your opinions matter to us. We encourage you to share your feedback, whether it's a compliment, a complaint, or just general input about your experience with us.

Please visit our Customer Service Feedback Page.

National Relay Service, and Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

The National Relay Service is an Australian Government phone solution for people who are Deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment.

Access the National Relay Service

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) is an Australian Government translating and interpreting service for people who do not speak English and for the English speakers who need to communicate with them.

Access the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

Rates enquiries and payments

General enquiries: 9272 0622
Telephone payments: 1300 207 811

Rangers and Security Service

Rangers department: 9272 0972
24 Hour Security Service: 1300 360 333

Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Note: In case of emergency please contact WA Police first.

Waste management

Missed bins and bulk bin orders: 9272 0622

Rubbish disposal options:
Baywaste Transfer Station, 271 Collier Road, Bayswater: 9271 2964
Red Hill Waste Facility (Tip), 1094 Toodyay Road, Red Hill: 6219 7333

Closed on Christmas Day (25 December), New Year's Day (1 January) and Good Friday.

For more information, visit Waste, Rubbish and Recycling.

Works Depot and graffiti control

15 Wright Street, Bayswater
Enquiries: 9270 4167



Morley Library 

240 Walter Road West, Morley
Enquiries: 9272 0980

Bayswater Library

25 King William Street, Bayswater
Enquiries: 9272 0951

Maylands Library

The RISE, 28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands
Enquiries: 9208 2450

Recreation facilities

Bayswater Waves

Broun Avenue, Embleton 
Enquiries: 9276 6538 
Café/Kiosk: 9375 6577 


28 Eighth Avenue, Maylands
General Enquiries: 9208 2400
Child Health Clinic: 9208 2445

Community Centres

Bayswater Community Centre

27 King William Street, Bayswater
Enquiries: 9272 0957

Morley Community Centre

6 Blades Close, Morley
Enquiries: 9276 6108

Golf courses

Embleton Public Golf Course
McGregor Street, Embleton
Enquiries – 9271 5190

Maylands Peninsula Public Golf Course
Swanbank Road, Maylands
Enquiries – 9370 3211


Property Address
Your Enquiry
City of Bayswater
Civic Centre
61 Broun Avenue, Morley

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