Native Animals (Fauna)

Perth is home to many native animals, with 25 unique mammals and 187 unique reptile species not found in other states. Some of these native animals reside in the City of Bayswater's bushlands and wetlands. Please note:

  • Penalties of up to $500,000 apply for keeping native animals without a license
  • Feeding our native animals is prohibited as it can damage their health, this includes feeding bread to ducks in our parks and reserves
  • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 protects the welfare of all animals.
Native Willy Wag-tail Native Willy Wag-tail

Wildlife Issues

The City of Bayswater doesn’t deal directly with wildlife issues, however we do promote the protection and care of native animals.

If you find sick or injured wildlife, please call the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW) Wildcare Helpline on (08) 9474 9055. The Wildcare Helpline is 24 hours and can:

  • Offer advice on sick, injured, orphaned or displaced native wildlife
  • Refer callers to a wider network of experts for assistance.

Alternatively, you can contact the Native Animal Rescue located at 170 Camboon Road Malaga on 9249 3434.

If you find an entangled seabird, please call the Western Australian Seabird Rescue on (08) 6102 8464 or 0418 952 683.

If you find deceased wildlife please call the City's Natural Area Officer on (08) 9272 0622.

Swooping Magpie Swooping Magpie


Magpies swoop to protect their young during nesting season (August to October). Some Magpies will try to scare off intruders by flying low and fast while clacking their beaks. Occasionally, a Magpie will strike a person, but such attacks are rare. If a magpie appears aggressive:

  • Try using a different route during the nesting season
  • Wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your head and eyes
  • If on a bike, ensure you are wearing a helmet
  • Don’t crouch or run (Magpies can sense fear and may attack)
  • Confidently continue on your way or make a threatening gesture with a hat, stick etc. Usually the bird will retreat
  • Never provoke it by throwing objects. Magpies have a good memory and may continuously attack someone who has threatened them before.


The two main species of snakes found in the City are Dugites and Tiger Snakes. Both of these snakes are dangerously venomous. Tiger snakes are found in wetlands, while Dugites roam mostly in bushlands. If you see a snake on your property:

  • Keep people and pets well clear
  • Do not attempt to kill the snake, this often results in people being bitten
  • Keep an eye on the snake's location while staying a safe distance away
  • Contact the DPAW Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055. (Wildcare use volunteers trained in Reptile Capture & Relocation to safely remove the snake.)

If you encounter a snake in its natural habitat (bushland or wetlands), back away to a safe distance and allow the snake to move away.

In the event of a snake bite, contact emergency services immediately by calling 000.  Signs of a snake bite aren't always visible and in some cases the patient may not even feel the snake bite. Snake bite symptoms vary but are commonly:

  • Faintness and dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Difficulty in speaking, swallowing or breathing
  • Limb weakness or paralysis.

If you observe sick or injured wildlife please contact:

  • Native Animal Rescue

9249 3434, 170 Camboon Rd, Malaga WA 6090

  • Wildcare Helpline

(08) 9474 9055

If you observe entangled seabirds please contact:

  • Western Australian Seabird Rescue

(08) 6102 8464 or 0418 952 683

If you observe deceased wildlife please contact:

  • City of Bayswater's Natural Area Officer

(08) 9272 0622

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