Age Friendly Strategy
By 2031, one in five people in the City of Bayswater will be aged 65 years or older. As our population ages it is important that we make the City the most positive and inclusive place it can be.
The City of Bayswater is pleased to release its second Age Friendly Strategy 2021-2025 which will build on the work carried out as part of the previous strategy and continue our journey to becoming an Age Friendly City.
The strategy was developed in consultation with the community and addresses the following eight World Health Organisation Age Friendly Cities outcome areas:
- Outdoor spaces and buildings
- Transportation
- Housing
- Respect and social inclusion
- Civic participation and employment
- Communication and information
- Community support and health services
The City of Bayswater Age Friendly Strategy 2021-2025 identifies community priorities, future services and initiatives that will support and enhance the health and wellbeing of older people, living working and visiting the City, and details a four year action plan for achieving it.
Age Friendly Strategy 2021-2025
Age Friendly Strategy 2017-2021:
Snapshot 2017 - 2021