How to enrol to vote

Click on the headings below to reveal information on how to vote. Please note, you may fit under more than one heading. 

What's new?

New legislation came into effect from 1 January 2024 that imposes stricter requirements on occupier claims.

Occupiers must:

  • provide a written lease, tenancy agreement or legal instrument to claim right of occupation
  • have held occupation for 12 months prior to the election and hold occupation three months after the election
  • have quiet enjoyment (exclusive occupation)
  • be able to secure the property
  • genuinely operate a business from the property
  • pay a minimum amount of rent based on the square meterage of the property
  • occupy a property of at least 10 square metres
I am a resident
  • If you are already enrolled to vote in the State and Federal elections for the area in which you live, no further action is required. You will be entitled to one vote.
  • If you have recently moved to the City of Bayswater, turned 18 years of age or become an Australian citizen, you may need to check your enrolment status
I am a landlord who owns property in the City of Bayswater
  • If you own more than one property in a ward and are already enrolled to vote, there is no need to enrol again.

    You will be entitled to one vote.

  • If you own a property in a ward but are not a resident in that ward, you can enrol to vote in that ward by filling out this form.

    You can vote only once.

    If your property is owned by more than one person, up to two owners can enrol to vote but names must be listed on the title. If there are more than two owners of a property, please complete this form to nominate which two owners are enrolled to vote.

I am a business owner who owns or leases property in the City of Bayswater
  • If you live in the same ward in which your business is located, there is no need to enrol again. You will be entitled to one vote.

    If your business is a corporate body, you may be able to nominate up to two people to vote on behalf of the corporate body by filling out this form: Enrolment Eligibility Claim Corporate Body . Please ensure you also complete this form, if the body corporate owns the property, and this form, if the body corporate is occupying (leasing) the property,

  • If you run a business in the City of Bayswater and are not a resident in the ward in which the business is located, you can also enrol to vote in that ward by filling out this form if you own or co-own the property.  If you occupy (lease) the property, please fill out this form.

    You can vote only once in the ward in which your business is located, and once in the ward in which you are a resident.

    If your property is owned or leased by more than two people, please also complete this form to nominate up to two owners or occupiers to enrol to vote on behalf of the group.

    If your business is a corporate body or a company (e.g. Pty, Ltd), please click on the below heading: I am part of a corporate body that leases or owns property in the City of Bayswater.

  • If you run a business in the City of Bayswater but do not live here, you can enrol to vote in the ward in which your business is located by filling out this form if you own the property and this form if you occupy (lease) the property.

    You will need to either own or lease the property from which your business is located. 

    You can vote only once in each ward for which you own or occupy property.

    If your property is owned or leased by more than two people, please also complete this form to nominate up to two owners or occupiers to enrol to vote on behalf of the group.

    If your business is a corporate body or a company (e.g. Pty, Ltd), please click on the below heading: I am part of a corporate body that leases or owns property in the City of Bayswater.

I am part of a corporate body that leases or owns property in the City of Bayswater

A corporate body is a separate legal entity. 

Examples include: 

  • A company (Pty, Ltd, you will have a Company Number/Registration Number)
  • A body corporate (a strata)
  • An incorporated association

If your business is a separate legal entity, you can nominate up to two people to vote on behalf of the business or body corporate by filling out this form.

The corporate body will need to either lease or own property in the City of Bayswater.

Your two nominees will be able to vote once each.

Those nominated to vote on behalf of the corporate body cannot already be enrolled to vote for the ward in which your corporate body owns or leases property.

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