Notices of Completion and Cessation

When is a Notice of Completion required?

A Notice of Completion Form BA7 must be provided to the City within seven days of the completion of building or demolition works.


Who is responsible for providing a Notice of Completion?

It is the responsibility of the person named as the builder or demolition contractor on a Building or Demolition Permit to provide the Form BA7.  Penalties may apply if the Form BA7 is not provided within seven days of the completion of building or demolition works.


When is a Notice of Cessation required?

A Notice of Cessation Form BA8 is provided when the person named as the builder or demolition contractor on a Building or Demolition Permit stops being responsible for the building or demolition works.  A new responsible person must then be appointed for the remainder of the building or demolition works.


Who is responsible for providing a Notice of Cessation?

It is the responsibility of the person named as the builder or demolition contractor on a Building or Demolition Permit to provide the Form BA8 once they cease being responsible for the building or demolition works.  


Application for the approval of a new responsible person

Where the responsible person for building or demolition works submits a Notice of Cessation, or their required registration expires, the owner of the building or structure can apply to the City to approve a new responsible person to complete the building work on a Form BA19.


Further information

For further information on the Notice of Completion or a Notice of Cessation, please visit the Building Commission WA.

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