Morley Activity Centre Plan

The Morley Activity Centre Plan has been developed to guide development within the Morley Activity Centre. 

The Morley Activity Centre Plan (MACP) has been developed by the City to guide future growth within the Morley Activity Centre.  The MACP includes properties within an 800 metre radius of the bus port.  The MACP aims to turn Morley into a vibrant city centre, with a mixture of residential and commercial activities. 

Goals of the Morley Activity Centre Plan

The goals of the Morley Activity Centre Plan are:

  • Diversity- increase the intensity and diversity of land uses within the core area
  • Community- enhance the public domain with greater pedestrian amenity connected to quality community spaces
  • Sustainability- support an increase in residential population with higher densities in proximity to jobs and public transport.

The Morley Activity Centre Plan breaks the area into smaller precincts.  Each of the precincts has a site specific vision and objectives.  The vision and objectives have been translated into permitted land uses, building densities and heights.  The following precincts were identified:

  • Central Core - the most diverse of the precincts with mixed use development and a focus on retail, with active street frontages, afterhour's activity, and serves as the community hub
  • Outer Core - the areas between the Central Core and Inner City Residential precincts.  It focuses on apartment living and where buildings are lower densities
  • Mixed Business - this precinct will transition from light industry to innovative office, research and development activities
  • Civic and Education - no significant changes are anticipated, while connectivity and integration with the Core will be improved
  • Inner City Residential - quality medium density residential development connected to quality public space.



Residential Zoning

The MACP proposed a number of changes to the residential zoning within the activity centre.  The zoning changes encourage higher densities and faciltate more people to live in the activity centre.  The map below shows the new residential zonings. 



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