Heritage Incentives

The City offers a range of Heritage Incentives to help land owners maintain heritage listed properties. 

Heritage Grants

Heritage funding is available to assist with the maintenance, conservation and improvement of heritage buildings contained within the City’s Scheme Heritage List.  The grants are available for residential or commercial properties and must meet the requirements set out in the Heritage Fund Policy. An application for a heritage grant must be submitted and approved before works start, and the funds will be made available once the works have been completed.  

Eligibility Criteria

  • The subject building must be more than 50 years old and be contained on the City’s Scheme Heritage List.
  • The subject property has not received any funding from the City’s Local Heritage Fund in the previous five years.  (Calculation is based on the financial year in which the application was paid.)
  • The nature of the works complies with permitted works listed in the policy.
  • The City's 'Heritage Fund’ policy sets out what types of development can be considered for a heritage grant. 
  • Both residential and non-residential buildings are applicable to apply for funding from the City of up to $4,000 per property, but not exceeding 50% of the total cost of approved works.  Funding is exclusive of GST.

Application Process

For an application to be considered by the City the following information will be required to be submitted.   

To apply for a heritage grant, please complete the relevant application form, located in the related documents section below, and submit it to the City, along with all relevant documentation either via mail to PO Box 467, Morley   WA  6943 or via email to mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au.

Where the proposed works require a Development Approval, this must be received prior to an application for a heritage grant. 

As a part of the application the applicant must provide three quotes from qualified professionals for each component of the project, unless otherwise approved by the City.  Any works which have commenced prior to the approval of the grant is not eligible for funding. 

Funding applications can be submitted at any time during the year.  However once all the allocated budget has been spent no further grants will be approved that financial year.  Applications received after the expenditure of the funds allocated in a financial year can be held over until the following financial year at the request of the applicant.

Administrative Matters

  • The funding shall only be used for the approved uses and at the approved property.
  • The City will only pay to the lowest quote value.
  • Works should be completed within 12 months of the funding being approved.  Where this is not possible, the applicant must advise the City in writing.  The City can grant an extension for a further 12 months which will be based upon the merits of the works and requested extension of time.  No extensions beyond a 24 month period shall be approved.
  • Where funding is approved and not acquitted within a financial year, that funding shall be carried into the following financial year.

Should you wish to speak with someone regarding your application, please call the City on 08 9272 0622 and ask to speak to the Strategic Planning and Place team.

Refund of Fees

The City has a policy "Refund of Planning and Building Fees".  This policy permits the refunding of relevant fees for developments that propose to conserve or improve the heritage aspects of a building. This policy only applies to properties which are on listed on the Municipal Heritage Inventory (MHI) or Scheme Heritage List. 

The policy states:

"The City will refund planning application and building fees charged by the City for development in the following circumstances:

  • Where the subject building to be retained is more than 50 years old and must be contained on the City’s Heritage List of Heritage Places within the area of Town Planning Scheme No. 24.
  • Where the applicant/owner proposes development that will enhance or maintain the heritage aspects of a certain building and/or site."


Flexible Application of Statutory Requirements for Buildings Contained within the City’s Heritage List

The City has a policy "Flexible Application Of Statutory Requirements For Buildings Contained Within The City’s Heritage List".  Under this policy, the City may consider variations to certain development standards including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Minimum lot sizes
  • Average lot sizes
  • Plot ratio
  • Setbacks
  • Variations to car parking and landscaping
  • Other development standards.

The variation flexibility only applies to properties on the MHI or Scheme Heritage List. 

A full copy of all the policies are available on the Planning and Development Legislation and Policies page under "Heritage Policies".  A link for which can be found below.

For further information on whether your property qualifies for heritage incentives, please contact the City's Statutory Planning Department on (08) 9272 0921 or via email to mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au

For further information on the heritage policies, please contact the City's Strategic Planning Department on 9272 0649 or via email to mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au


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