In accordance with Section 5.60A, 5.60B and 5.65 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Clause 34C of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations, disclosures of Financial, Proximity or Impartiality interest are registered.
Declarations of Interest Register
Financial interest
A financial interest is where it is reasonable to expect that a matter being considered will result in a financial gain, loss, benefit or detriment for the person declaring the interest.
Proximity interest
A proximity interest in a matter is where the matter being considered involves redevelopment or other changes of use of land that adjoins or has a common boundary or is directly across a thoroughfare to any land belonging to the person making the declaration of interest.
Indirect financial interests
An indirect interest is where a matter being considered by the local government relates to another person with which the person making the declaration has a financial relationship.
Impartiality interest
An impartiality interest is where there is an actual or perceived relationship that could adversely affect the impartiality of the person making the decision, and includes family, friends or membership of an association.