City Assets

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The City is committed to making informed decisions in relation to its assets.

An asset is a physical item that is owned or controlled by the City of Bayswater, and provides or contributes to the provision of a service to the community (in this context, excluding financial, intellectual, and non-tangible assets).

Visit the links below to see a list of the City's building and land assets.

City of Bayswater Building Inventory as at 30 June 2023

City of Bayswater Freehold Land Inventory as at 30 June 2023

The City’s Executive Leadership Team endorsed five asset management plans on 19 June 2023. A summary of these plans were presented to Council at a briefing session on 11 July 2023.

The purpose of an asset management plan is to assist the City in managing its infrastructure and other assets to an agreed level of service, and to ensure this is sustainable into the future. It is a plan for the appropriate acquisition, upgrade, maintenance, renewal, and disposal of assets, that balances aspirations with affordability.

Transport Asset Management Plan 2023–2033

Recreation Asset Management Plan 2023–2033

Property Asset Management Plan 2023–2033

Fleet, Plant and Equipment Asset Management Plant 2023–2033

ICT Asset Management Plan 2023–2033

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