Collective Biodiversity Strategy
The Collective Biodiversity Strategy, developed in partnership with the City of Bayswater, Town of Bassendean and City of Belmont, is based on the Local Government Biodiversity Planning Guidelines.
A local biodiversity strategy is a strategic commitment to the protection and enhancement of a network of local natural areas. The focus of the strategy is the protection and effective management of natural areas directly managed by the three local governments.
The strategy incorporates the following elements:
- Identification of the extent of the biodiversity resource within the combined Local Government area
- Development of a vision, objectives and targets for the protection and management of natural areas and other biodiversity features within the Swan River Precinct
- Assessment of Local Natural Areas within the Swan River Precinct
- Identification of ecological links across the combined Local Government area
- Identification of broad management options for Local Natural Areas and ecological links within the Swan River Precinct
- Provision of costing schedules for the management of natural areas and ecological links within the Swan River Precinct
- Development of a preliminary framework for monitoring and review
- A preliminary review of existing Council policy and programs related to biodiversity conservation
- Recommendations for the ongoing implementation of the Strategy.
A prioritised Action Plan is included to guide implementation.