Car Parking Management Plan

Maylands Town Centre

Maylands Town Centre is identified as a District Centre in the Western Australian Planning Commission's directions  2031  and  Beyond and as an Activity  Centre in  its  Draft  Perth  and  Peel  @3.5million  documents.  District Centres provide for the daily and weekly needs of residents, with a focus on the needs of the specific catchment area (including jobs, services, facilities etc.). 

Maylands Town Centre is characterised by its heritage and cultural diversity.  With its proximity to public  transport,  the  river,  pedestrian,  bicycle  and  road  networks,  Maylands  affords  a  convenient  and well connected urban lifestyle.  The centre is focused around a traditional main street shopping precinct along Eighth Avenue, as well as along Whatley Crescent and Guildford Road.  

In light of the need for more detailed planning in the Maylands Town Centre, Council endorsed the Maylands  Activity  Centre  Urban  Design  Framework  in  December  2009,  following  widespread  community  engagement.  The  Urban  Design  Framework  provides  the  strategic direction for new development within  the centre.   To implement  the  strategic vision of the Maylands Urban Design  Framework, the City introduced the 'Maylands Activity Centre Zone' (gazetted in December 2011) to increase densities and a diverse range of appropriate land uses within the area, and implemented design guidelines to retain the area’s character.   

Part 2.4.4 of the Urban Design Framework addresses car parking and recommends the preparation of a parking strategy that explores opportunities for improvements to kerbside ('on street') parking and 'park and ride' facilities. It also enables collection of 'cash in lieu of car parking' contributions to fund  the  development  of  better  facilities  for  both  car  parking  and  for  alternative  modes  of  transportation  within  the  centre.    A  strategy  has  been  developed  in  response  to  this recommendation and the document is available at the bottom of this page. 

The  City  of  Bayswater  is  committed  to  the  reduction  of  car  dependency  and  increased  walking,  cycling and public transportation use. Complementing this strategy, the City seeks to implement a range of initiatives to support these alternative modes of transport and reduce pressure on car parking. 

Should you require any further information please contact Strategic Planning either by phone on 9272 0649 or by email to

Morley Activity Centre

The Morley Car Parking Management Plan identifies a number of urgent, needed and desirable recommendations for the Activity Centre.  These actions include:

  • Introducing a car parking hierarchy, with specific time limits (urgent)
  • Update car parking signage, including time limits and way finding signs (urgent)
  • Increase enforcement of parking requirements (needed)

A list of the recommendations is in the Morley Car Parking Management Plan Summary, which can be found in the related documents section below.  The Car Parking Management Plan also breaks the Activity Centre into precincts and identifies specific recommendations for each precinct. 

A list of the recommendations for each of the precincts is in the Morley Car Parking Management Plan Summary.

The Morley Car Parking Management Plan was adopted by Council at the Planning and Development Services Committee on the 6 February 2018.  The Car Parking Management Plan is now in effect and the City is working to implement the recommendations identified. 

Draft Morley Car Parking Management Plan - Summary

Should you require any further information please contact Strategic Planning either by phone on 9272 0649 or by email to

Bayswater Town Centre

The Bayswater Town Centre Short-term Parking Management Plan has been prepared to better manage parking in the town centre and was adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 3 September 2019.

Actions within the management plan are now being implemented.

Bayswater Town Centre Short-term Parking Management Plan

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