Advice on Submitting Tender Responses
How to submit a tender response and the associated requirements.
Check tender requirements You are advised to carefully read the conditions of tendering, selection criteria, scope, specifications, and the conditions of contract - including timeframes for delivery. Discuss the requirements with the Contact Officer if you are unsure. You must complete all tender schedules and forms, otherwise your submission may be declared invalid. Ensure your submission is signed and the validity date for pricing is stated. Ensure the GST is shown as a separate component.
Any special conditions associated with your submission must be clearly stated.
Tender period All tenders are advertised for a minimum of 14 days. During this period, the City of Bayswater may issue an addendum (or addenda) to clarify any aspect of the scope or specification, and all registered tenderers will receive the updated information. Some tenders may include an invitation to attend a briefing session. Any issues raised at the meeting will be minuted and copies of the minutes will be distributed to those who attend or who have registered their interest in the tender.
Lodging your tender Please note the City has moved to electronic submission of tenders, which must be lodged through the City's e-procurement portal, no later than the closing time on the closing date. Late submissions cannot be accepted. There is no cost to contractors, as the City has a corporate membership with Tenderlink.
Opening of tenders Electronic tenders are secured until the closing date and time. Members of the public may observe the tender opening, however only the names of the tenderers will be disclosed.
Evaluation of tenders Every submission will be reviewed by a tender evaluation panel. The qualitative (non-price) criteria are always included in the tender document and will generally be similar to:
- Operational and technical capability
- Technical features or methodology
- Occupational health and safety management systems
- Ability to meet project timeframes.
The price component will include assessment of lump sum or schedule of rates and may include the price variation mechanism.
The tender evaluation panel will examine all tenders for compliance with the conditions of tendering, including completion of all the relevant tender forms. Each tender submission will be scored against the weighted criteria using worksheets. Information outside of the tender submission will not be considered in the scoring. The recommended tenderer will generally be the one that receives the highest overall evaluation score.
Shortlisting of tenders Shortlisted tenderers may need to meet with representatives of the City to clarify the tender in more detail with an interview or a short presentation. This may result in an adjustment of evaluation scores.
Recommendation to Council The panel will prepare a recommendation report to the respective Council meeting or the Chief Executive Officer depending on the value. All tenderers will be advised in writing of the outcome.
Contract documentation Simple contracts may be executed by issue of a purchase order. Period service contracts will generally be based on the City’s standard form Instrument of Agreement (usually one or two pages).
Complex contracts will generally have an agreement drafted by the City’s legal advisors.