Committee Representation Councillor Representation on Minor Internal and External Committees in the City.
Committee Register
Complaints of Minor Breach Register of certain complaints of minor breach compiled under section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995:
Register of certain complaints of Minor Breaches
Delegated Authority The Local Government Act 1995 allows for a local government to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer [Sections 5.42 and 5.43] the exercise of any of its powers or the discharge of any of its duties under the Act.
The Act allows for the Chief Executive Officer to delegate any of his/her powers to another employee and this must be done in writing. The Act also allows for the Chief Executive Officer to place conditions on any delegations if they desire.
Delegated Authority Register
Elected Member Attendance at Meetings Elected Members attendance at Council Meetings, Minor Committee Meetings, External Committee Meetings and Council Workshops.
Attendance Register
Elected Member and Chief Executive Officer Attendance at Events In accordance with the City's Attendance at Events Policy, Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer are required to disclose acceptance of tickets or invitations to attend events or functions.
Attendance at Events Register
Elected Members and Employee Conferences, Travel and Training Elected Members Conference, Travel and Training Register
On 29 June 2019 the Local Government Legislation Amendment Act 2019 came into effect. Section 5.127 of the Act states:
(1) A local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members in the financial year.
(2) The CEO must publish the report on the local government’s official website within 1 month after the end of the financial year to which the report relates.
In addition to the register for the last financial year, the Conference, Travel and Training Register for Elected Members is published (in its entirety) in accordance with Council Resolution of 27 March 2018 and 'Policy Elected Members Conferences/Seminars Attendance and Authorised Travel'.
Staff Attendance at Conferences, Seminars and Training - July 2020 to Present
The Staff Attendance at Conferences, Seminars and Training register is published in accordance with a Council resolution dated 1 April 2016 and the City of Bayswater Senior and Executive Staff Attendance at Conferences, Seminars and Training Policy dated 25 July 2023. Senior and Executive Staff must report, where there is a cost to the City, any intrastate or national travel or travel to New Zealand, and disclose attendance at conferences and training which take place locally.
Staff Conference and Travel Register
Elected Member and Employee Gifts and Travel Contributions In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 (s5.87A, 5.87B and 5.87C) and the Local Government Administration Regulations 1996, the City must provide a public register of relevant and notifiable gifts made to Elected Members, CEO and Employees in their official capacity. The disclosure must be made within ten (10) days of receipt of the gift. This ensures the actions of all Elected Members, CEOs and Employees are transparent, accountable and ethical.
The following register provides a consolidated version of all gifts received:
Register of ALL gifts
Elected Members and CEOs are required to disclose gifts that are received in their capacity as an Elected Member or CEO and are valued over $300; or are of a cumulative value that exceeds $300 where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12-month period. These gifts must be disclosed within 10 days:
Register of Elected Member and CEO Gifts and Travel - Prior to 20 October 2019
City Officers (excluding the CEO) are required to disclose gifts that are received with a value of between $50 and $300 and are prohibited from receiving gifts valued at over $300:
Register of Gifts to Employees
Elected Members Contact with Developers To ensure the highest standards of transparency, this register contains the details of contact between Councillors and developers in relation to development or planning proposals in the City. This register is maintained in line with the City's Policy 'Elected Members - Contact with Developers'.
Elected Members Contact with Developers Register
Elected Member Political Interests As per Notice of Motion 11.1 (Ordinary Council Meeting dated 9 April 2019) and in accordance with the Code of Conduct, Elected Members are to disclose any relevant political interests.
Elected Members Political Interest Register
Elected Member Memberships to any Local Clubs or Associations As per Notice of Motion 11.2 (Ordinary Council Meeting dated 9 April 2019) and in accordance with the Code of Conduct, Elected Members are to disclose any memberships to local clubs or associations.
Memberships to any local clubs or associations register
Electoral Gifts Part 5A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997 prescribes and sets out the requirements for disclosing electoral gifts. The rules apply to both candidates and donors.
It is the candidates and donors responsibility to make the disclosure to the Chief Executive Officer in the prescribed form (Form LG09A). Gifts with a value of $200 or more that are given or promised to candidates during the specified disclosure period must be disclosed in accordance with the regulations. In addition, candidates must not accept any gifts from unidentified donors. These gifts must be disclosed and provided to the Chief Executive Officer for disposal.
Electoral Gifts
A “gift” includes:
- money
- non-monetary item of value
- in kind or where there is inadequate financial consideration, such as the receipt of a discount (where the difference or the discount is worth more than $220)
- a financial or other contribution to travel
- the provision of a service for no consideration or for inadequate consideration
- a firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time
A 'gift' does not include a gift by will, a relative, or item that does not relate to the candidate's candidature, or the provision of volunteer labour.
Electoral Gifts Register 2021
Electoral Gifts Register 2023
Electoral Gifts Register 2024
Fees, Allowances and Expenses Paid to Elected Members In accordance with Section 5.96A of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulations 29C(2)(f)& (6) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, a report must be prepared annually on any fees, expenses or allowances paid to each council member during a financial year, beginning 1 July 2020. The report must be published on the City’s website on or before 14 July immediately following the end of the financial year to which the information relates.
Register of Fees, Allowances and Expenses 2020/21
Register of Fees, Allowances and Expenses 2021/22
Register of Fees, Allowances and Expenses 2022/23
Primary and Annual Returns A primary return is a snapshot of personal financial information as it exists upon the relevant person's start date and must be lodged within three months of the start date. An annual return retrospectively discloses any changes to the information previously disclosed in the primary return or new interests accumulated for the period since completing the primary return or last annual return and must be lodged no later than 31 August in any year.
primary Return and Annual Return LodgemenT
Social Media Interests As per Notice of Motion 11.2 (Ordinary Council Meeting of 25 July 2023), Elected Members are to disclose whether they, or their spouse/partner, manage, administrate or moderate any community social media accounts specifically relevant to the City of Bayswater. The information is published on the City’s website and is updated regularly.
Register of Social Media Interests