Electoral Gifts

Related information

Both candidates and donors must disclose information about any election-related gift with a value of $300 or more that was given or promised within the six-month period prior to the election day. The reporting period for the 2024 North Ward Extraordinary Election commenced on 15 September 2023.

A gift includes:

  • money
  • non-monetary item of value
  • in kind or where there is inadequate financial consideration, such as the receipt of a discount (where the difference or the discount is worth more than $300)
  • a financial or other contribution to travel
  • the provision of a service for no consideration or for inadequate consideration
  • a firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time.

A gift does not include a gift by will or from a relative, or an item that does not relate to the candidate’s candidature or the provision of volunteer labour.

The disclosure of a gift is to be made to the CEO of the local government. Information to be supplied includes the name of the candidate, the name and address of the donor, the date the gift was received (or promised), the value of the gift and a description of the gift.

In addition, any gifts from unidentified donors must be disclosed and provided to the CEO of the local government for disposal.

Within three days of nomination, a candidate will need to disclose any gifts received in the relevant period prior to nomination and disclose any further gifts received thereafter (also within three days).

Donors will also need to disclose any gifts made within the relevant period.

Candidates should advise donors of their reporting responsibilities.

The disclosure period finishes three days after election day for unsuccessful candidates and on the start day for financial interest returns for successful candidates.

Visit the Department of Local Government's website for more information on Electoral gifts and crowdfunding.

To disclose a gift as a candidate or a donor, click the button below.


Disclosure forms can be emailed to the Chief Executive Officer at governance@bayswater.wa.gov.au or dropped off at the City of Bayswater’s Civic Centre at 61 Broun Avenue, Morley. They will then be added to the Electoral Gift Register.

To view the Electoral Gift Register for 2024, click the button below.

electoral gifts register 2024

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