A home based business is a small scale occupation or business operating in conjunction with the residential use of land by a resident of the property. As these businesses can vary in size, scale and nature they consequently have varying impacts on the amenity of the neighbourhood.
To view information on whether you will require planning approval, please refer to the related documents section at the bottom of this page.
If you are thinking about changing the land use of your business premises (for example changing from a shop to a restaurant), you may require planning approval.
For more information please see the Change of Use Applications document which can be found in the related documents section at the bottom of this page.
When you are developing a new site, you will require planning approval prior to beginning construction. A person proposing any form of development is required to make an application to Council for planning approval before obtaining a building permit or commencing operation of a use.
If planning approval is granted, prior to commencing construction you will then need to apply for a building permit.
For more information or to know whether your development requires planning approval, please refer to the links below.
Environmental Health relates to the practice of managing the health risks of a community. The City's Health Services has several programs that assess and manage risks, as well as providing direction and education to the business community.
To see if your new business will require approval, you will need to refer to the Public Health section of our website which can be found here: Public Health
Be aware of your rights under the Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act. The Act was recently amended which included some changes in landlord and leasee responsibilities.
You can view the most recent version of the Act by visiting the Western Australia Legislation website which can be found here: Western Australian Legislation