Our Service Directory for Older Adults provides a handy, easy-to-navigate resource, linking you with the programs and services available in our local community and beyond.
Service Directory for Older AdultS (pdf)
This includes helpful information across the topics of:
- emergency numbers
- accommodation and housing
- aged care facilities
- transportation
- recreation
- legal and financial
- concessions and discounts
- safety and security
- support and health services
- and more
If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please phone 9270 4107 or email community.centres@bayswater.wa.gov.au. You can also pick up a free copy of the directory at any of our Libraries or Community Centres.
The Service Directory for Older Adults is also available in Italian, Vietnamese and Simplified Chinese. According to the ABS Census 2021, these are the top three languages spoken in the City of Bayswater after English.
If you would like a hard copy of a translated Service Directory for Older Adults, please email community.centres@bayswater.wa.gov.au or call (08) 9270 4107.
VietnamesE (PDF)