

Online service payments will be unavailable on Monday 9 December due to system upgrades.

Waste Education Resources and Downloads

Waste Education Resources and Downloads

Find a range of resources to assist in managing your waste below.

  • Recycle Right - use for an A-Z Guide for using your bins, Find My Nearest for waste that can't go in any bin, and the Reuse A-Z Guide for donating.
  • WasteSorted - a state government program by the Waste Authority. Find information on Gifting, Recycling, Earthcycling (composting or FOGO), Avoiding and Taking behaviours.  
  • EMRC Sustainability - find information on broader waste and sustainability initiatives in the eastern-Perth regions. Plus find loan boxes available to City of Bayswater community members.
  • Cleanaway Recycling Hub - get tips on how to recycle right, and use your bins correctly. 


Please find below a range of waste-related downloadable resources, some available in multiple languages, that you may find useful.

Waste and Recycling Guide

  • Condensed guide is available for download or collection from any City Library
  • Extended guide is available for download.


Bin sticker files

Stickers are available for collection at the City of Bayswater Civic Centre


Let's go FOGO


How to Sort Your Waste FOGO flyer




For more information, please contact the City's Waste Management on 08 9272 0622, or email

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