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Community Recreation Plan

The City of Bayswater's Community Recreation Plan 2022 - 2032 is a guiding document for the next 10 years. The plan will assist the City to continue to provide a variety of recreation opportunities to the community, so people can enjoy being active – on the sporting field, in a park or at a facility. Council approved the plan at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 26 July 2022.

The plan focuses on sport and recreation facilities and infrastructure, parks and reserves, programs and services for the community, supporting physical activity, health and wellbeing. It introduces a strategic and sustainable approach to sport and recreation planning and provision through short, medium and long term actions, balancing the needs of sport and recreation clubs and groups with the needs of community members. These actions will inform the City's budgets and Long Term Financial Plan.

The plan is presented in two parts for easier reading. Part 1 is the main document, including an overview of the City's sport and recreation facilities, community engagement outcomes, key findings, trends, and the Action Plan. Part 2 is a supporting document, containing detailed analysis and research, benchmarking, detailed engagement reports and references.

Contact the City to request a hard copy of the Community Recreation Plan by phoning 9272 0622 or emailing

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