The City of Bayswater encourages everyone to connect with community groups to help build and maintain a strong and resilient community. The City’s Community Directory lists a variety of clubs, community groups and not-for profit organisations that offer services and activities across the City.
It's free to be listed in the Directory; all you need to do is check the listed information by clicking on the Directory link below. If groups are not listed or require updating, send an email to or call us on 9272 0974.
Community Directory
The information contained in each record is provided by clubs, community groups and non-profit organisations. Responsibility for providing correct and current information shall at all times rest with the organisation, group, service or individual referred to in the record. The City of Bayswater takes no responsibility for outdated or incorrect information.
If you encounter problems with this web page or require further information, please contact Community Development on (08) 9272 0974 or at
The City has also developed a Service Directory for Older Adults which provides information and helpful resources, events, activities and services in the community.
Free copies are available at any of our City Libraries or Community Centres.
Service Directory for Older Adults