Significant Trees Register

The City of Bayswater has made a commitment to preserving and expanding the tree canopy across the City.

There are approximately 24,000 trees within road reserves and 9,000 within developed areas of public open space. Many of these will have values that are worthy of inclusion in the Significant Tree Register (STR).


Significant Tree Register

Whether a tree is naturally occurring, or was planted by the early founders of Bayswater, the STR will protect these trees and play a vital role in maintaining the tree canopy through heightened awareness of the importance of trees within the urban environment.

The STR will be part of the public education program presented to the community that discusses the benefits of trees, and will also serve as a reminder of historical elements around our natural features.

In order to ensure there is value to the Significant Tree Register, it is intended that any trees listed on this register should be considered an 'outstanding specimen'. This is not to say that trees excluded from this register are not of high value, but they may not fulfil the criteria of the Significant Tree Register.

The City has two Significant Tree Registers - one for trees on public land, and one for trees on private land. Read on to find out how to nominate a tree on public or private land.

Nominating a Tree

Significant Trees on Public Land

If you have seen a tree within the City of Bayswater that you believe should be added to the Register, please read the guidelines below. 

Significant Tree Register FOR public land - Guidelines

If you would then like to nominate a tree to be added to the Register, please complete the form below and email it to mail@bayswater, or post to City of Bayswater, PO Box 467, Morley WA 6943.

Significant Tree Register FOR public land - Nomination Form


Significant Trees on Private Land

If you have seen a tree within private property in the City of Bayswater that you believe should be added to the Register, please read the policy and guidelines below. 

Significant Tree Register for Private Land - Policy

Significant Tree Register FOR Private Land - Guidelines

If you would then like to nominate a tree to be added to the Register, please complete the form below and email it to mail@bayswater, or post to City of Bayswater, PO Box 467, Morley WA 6943.

Significant Tree Register FOR Private Land - Nomination Form


Current Register of Trees

Tree 1 - Olive

Located at Slade Street, (southern end), this olive tree is thought to have been planted around 1850, prior to the construction of the first church in Bayswater. 

With the Italian population increasing in Bayswater in the 1930s, the olive tree became an important part of the area with people gathering for a communal harvest of the fruit.

It is believed the City's emblem is based on this olive tree.

Tree 2 - Magnolia

Located on the corner of Railway Parade and Coode Street in Bayswater, this tree has aesthetic value as a large and healthy example of Magnolia grandiflora in an area of hard landscaping.

This tree is over 100 years old and has historic value for its association with the early use of this portion of Bayswater as a garden nursery.

Tree 3 - Swamp Banksia

This Banksia tree is located at Noranda Sporting Complex on the south eastern corner, by the intersection of McGilvray Avenue and Wylde Road.

This is a representation of an endemic species that has reduced in numbers in the area.

The specimen is still maintaining a good level of health and form.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Tree 4 - Marri



This Marri tree, on the corner of McGilvray Avenue and Lincoln Road, pre-dates development in the area and has grown to be a large specimen that is outstanding for the species.   

Tree 5 - Stout Paperbark

Located at Kirkpatrick Reserve, Noranda, this specimen likely pre-dates European settlement in the area and is regarded as an outstanding specimen of the species, of which very few remain in the area.                 

Tree 6 - Aleppo Pine


Located at Maylands War Memorial, this pine was grown from seed and planted by the president of the local RSL in 1970.                 

The branches of the lone pine were used to line the trenches in Gallipoli.

Seeds of these pines were sent back to Australia by serving soldiers and later planted across Australia as a token of remembrance.                                                                                   

Tree 7 - Prickly Bark


Located at 55 Vera Street in Morley, this tree is an endemic species that predates development of the area.

This tree is a significant size for its species, which is rare, especially in the urban environment.

Trees 8 and 9 - Pine Trees


Located at 15 Georgina Street, Bayswater, these two pine trees have been here since the late 1950s, and were possibly planted by some of the first residents of the street.

They have grown into large trees with a very good form for the species. 


Tree 10 - Flooded Gum


Located at Claughton Reserve, this tree is registered as an Aboriginal Scarred Tree on the Aboriginal Heritage Register. 

Scarred trees are trees where bark has been removed by Aborigines to construct canoes, shelters, shields and containers. 

The bark was removed by making deep cuts with tools such as stone axes to harvest long, wide strips. Scars remain on the tree for many years to decades following harvesting.

Trees 11 to 16 - Lemon Scented Gums



At the Drill Hall on the corner of Murray and Crowther Streets in Bayswater, there is a group of six trees that were likely planted following construction of the Hall just after 1901. 

They are large, well-developed specimens of Lemon Scented Gums.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Tree 17 - Queensland Kauri Pine 


Found at 31 Bourne Street in Morley, this specimen of Queensland Kauri Pine is over 40 years old and 22 metres in height.

This tree has become a reference point for local residents.

It is unique for the species, having three leaders where they usually have one.                                                                                                                                       

Tree 18 - Flooded Gum


At 43 Kenmure Avenue, Bayswater, this is a naturally occurring specimen of Eucalyptus that is endemic to the area and pre-dates development.                                                                                        

Tree 19 - WA Christmas Tree


Located at Woking Reserve, this WA Christmas Tree is the only remaining specimen from bushland that was cleared for development in the area.

The specimen has survived despite the tendency of the species to die when the ground around them is disturbed and developed.                                       

This is a unique surviving specimen of the species in the urban area.                                                                                                                        

Tree 20 - Tuart


Located at the western corner of Nora Hughes Park, Morley, this Tuart pre-dates development in the area and has grown to be a large specimen that is outstanding for the species and has a high amenity value in the area.

Tree 21 - Red Flowering Gum


Located at 9-11 King Street, Bayswater, this is a large outstanding specimen that pre-dates development in the area.                                                                                                                                                                 

Tree 22 - River Red Gum


Located at 144 Beechboro South, Bayswater, this River Red Gum has grown to be a large specimen that is outstanding for the species and is of high value to the area.

Tree 23 - Lemon Scented Gum


This specimen dominates the area, acting as a focal point when entering the street. 

The specimen exceeds 10 metres in height with a trunk diameter greater than 500mm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Tree 24 - WA Christmas Tree



Located at 142 Rosebery Street, Bedford, this species is the only mature endemic species planted in the area and has cultural significance within the Noongar community, and is important in Indigenous women’s heritage and culture.

This species is native to Western Australia and is the only remaining specimen in the immediate location from the cleared bushland for the surrounding housing development.

This species is only found in the south western regions of Western Australia and is now uncommon in the Perth metro area as specimens typically decline following disturbance to soil area within root zone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Tree 25 - Banksia menziesii

Located at 93 Drummond Street, Bedford, this Banksia is a rare and outstanding specimen. It is likely a remnant from native bushland cleared before development and continues to provide a vital food source for endangered cockatoo species.

This species is native and is solely found in Western Australia from the Murchison in the north to Pinjarra in the south.



Tree 26 - Kurrajong

This tree was transplanted on 9 January 2020 from Council land affected by Public Transport Authority works.

It has since established itself well and has become an iconic and loved tree within the local community, being situated in a prominent area in the main street of Bayswater's town centre.

The tree is a rare and well-established specimen for the Perth area, where this species generally does not thrive.

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