Planning Information, Application Forms and Fees

The City has prepared information sheets to assist in the preparation of applications and provide clarification on the City's requirements. These documents are for information purposes only, and will be periodically updated as required.

Planning application forms

Development applications and supporting documentation needs to be lodged electronically in an unsecured pdf format via one of the following means:

Civic Centre - 61 Broun Avenue, Morley(CD or USB flash drive) 
Mail - PO Box 467, Morley WA 6943(CD or USB flash drive) 
Email - email only, maximum size 20MB) 

Additional planning related forms lodged through the City can be found at the following external websites:

Development Assessment PanelDepartment of Planning, Lands and Heritage
Section 40Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor
Form 15A and Form 15CDepartment of Planning, Lands and Heritage

Applications for freehold and survey-strata subdivision applications are lodged through the Western Australian Planning Commission. For forms associated with these applications, please refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Planning Fees

The Planning and Development Regulations 2009 specifies most planning fees applicable within the City. These fees are summarised in the planning fees document below.

Fees associated with Development Assessment Panel applications are in addition to the standard development application fee and outlined in the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011.

Applications for freehold and survey-strata subdivision applications are lodged through the Western Australian Planning Commission. For fees associated with these applications, please refer to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

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