Programs and Events - Adults

The libraries run a range of free programs and events for adults.

For programs and events for children and young adults, visit Programs and Events - Kids.

View our autumn calendar of events

Follow the City of Bayswater Libraries on Eventbrite to be the first to know about our events. 

Literary and Special Events

Literary and Special Events

Enjoy an exciting line up throughout the year of authors, writing workshops and other special informative sessions and workshops. To find out what is coming up view our program here. 

Bookings essential for all events. 



Book Clubs

Book Club

Join other keen readers to discuss the selected book of the month.  A small fee for hiring books may apply. Contact your library for more details. 

First Tuesday of the month6pm - 7pmMaylands
Third Wednesday of the month6pm - 7pmBayswater
Third Friday of the month1.30pm - 2.30pmMorley 

Libby Book Club for WA

The Libby Book Club for WA is a free monthly digital book club hosted by author David Allan-Petale - brought to you by OverDrive Australia for all members of the State Library and Public Libraries, Western Australia. Join in on the third Wednesday of each month to engage and interact with authors from all genres. The Zoom link will be emailed to all attendees on the day of the event.

Additional details for the Libby Book Club are available through the State Library of Western Australia

Book being discussedDate and TimeTimeBookings
How to Avoid a Happy Life by Julia LawrinsonWednesday 19 June7pm - 8pmView details
Last Best Chance by Brooke DunnellWednesday 17 July7pm - 8pmView details
Technology and eLearning

Hi,Tech - Learn - 1 to 1 technology help 

Need help creating an email account, filling in an online form or using your device? Book a session with one of our Digital Mentors. The Hi-Tech - Learn 1 to 1 tech help program is for adults who need assistance with basic technology queries. Please only book 1 session at a time. Our volunteer Digital Mentors can assist you with:
•    Accessing the free online courses on the Be Connected website 
•    Basic device use - smartphones, iPads/tablets, laptops, computers
•    Basic program use - web browsers, word processing
•    Basic internet searching 
•    Basic email assistance 
•    Basic online safety 
•    Navigating  online forms 

Digital Mentors cannot assist with:
•    Job applications
•    Online training courses/inductions
•    Formatting/editing documents or emails
•    Setting up devices or running software updates
•    Troubleshooting hardware and software problems
•    Intermediate or advanced-level computer, device or software training e.g. Excel
•    Buying and selling online
•    Building websites

Please contact the library if you are unable to attend your appointment time slot to allow someone else to attend in your place.

Book a session here or call your nearest library.

Bayswater Library: 9272 0951. 
Maylands Library: 9208 2450.
Morley Library: 9272 0980. 

Hi,Tech - Learn - Workshops

The Library Service runs a series of free workshops throughout the year on a variety of topics to help you upskill your digital skills. These workshops are most beneficial for adults who have a basic understanding of technology.
View program.

Be Connected - Every Australian Online

Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world. They have online beginner courses that will take you through the basics of using a computer, getting online and staying safe. Visit their website to start your learning journey today. Be Connected Website.

Be Connected - eLearning Tutorials

Are you interested in learning or improving on basic technology skills? The City of Bayswater Library Service, in partnership with Be Connected, are offering free online courses that will help you improve your skills and gain confidence while using technology.

TutorialDescriptionAvailable Online
SkypeLearn how to stay connected with family and friends using Skype.Watch here
WhatsAppLearn how to stay connected with family and friends using WhatsApp.Watch here
ZoomLearn how to stay connected with family and friends using Zoom.Watch here
English Conversation Group - Fluency, Friendship and Fun

English Conversation Group - Fluency, Friendship and Fun

English chat sessions aimed at those  born overseas, but suitable for anyone interested in gaining confidence speaking English.

Wednesdays9.30am - 11.30amMorley
Fridays9.30am - 11.30amMaylands 
Noongar Language and Cultural Session

Noongar Language and Cultural Session

Kaya! Local Noongar language teacher Carol Foley will lead you in a hands-on learning experience of First Nations language and culture. 

Monthly10am - 11amMaylandsBook now
Craft and Connect

Chat with others while enjoying your craft. New to crafting? Try one of our free workshops run throughout the year. View all upcoming workshops here.

Loop to Loop

Come along and join the Loop to Loop group which is open to anyone who enjoys yarn crafts and would like to socialise with others that do, while at the same time practicing their craft. Why not join in next Monday?

No booking required; just turn up.

Weekly on Mondays

Weekly on Fridays

9.30 - 11.30am 

1 - 3pm
Maylands Library


Online Resources and Activities


Join an online reading challenge, earn badges for completing goals, share reviews and more. Visit the site or download the Beanstack app to sign up.

Our first challenge on Beanstack is 1001 Books Before Year One.  This is a fun reading challenge that families can participate in, designed to develop literacy and nurture a love of reading in children up to six years old by rewarding them for the amount of books read. After reading 100 books, each child will receive a library bag. For every 100 book milestone after that, children will collect a colourful iron-on patch, which they can use to decorate their library bag until reaching the 1001 book milestone. Young readers who complete the challenge will be rewarded with a book to keep.

More challenges coming soon!

Game and Connect
Dungeons and Dragons (ages 14 - 24)

Under the guidance of a Dungeon Master, battle orcs, charm goblins and loot treasure, all determined by the roll of a dice. Pre-generated characters are provided, but if you want to bring your own character, please make sure they are at Level 4. Bookings essential.

Every second Thursday from 11 January to 21 March


4pm - 6pm


View program

ScrabbleWhether you’re an aficionado or new to the game, come along to our new Scrabble group. Bring your friends or join to make new ones. No bookings required.Weekly on Tuesdays10 - 12pmBayswaterNo
Mahjong Group (Western Version)

Mahjong is a popular and challenging game that will help keep your brain active while having fun. We invite you to share in our love of mahjong. Join our community-led group that meets weekly to play the Western version of the game.

No booking required; just turn up.

Weekly on Mondays1pm - 3.30pmMaylands LibraryBookings not required
Mahjong Group (Asian Version)

Mahjong is a popular and challenging game that will help keep your brain active while having fun. We invite you to share in our love of mahjong. Join our community-led group that meets weekly to play the Asian version of the game.

No booking required; just turn up.

Weekly on Wednesdays1pm - 4pmMaylands LibraryBookings not required
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