As the City is working to increase the canopy coverage from 13% to 20% by 2025, we ask our residents to help us reach this target.
The City encourages private landowners to plant trees on their property and to help you make a start, a list of suggested species can be found below, along with videos on selecting a healthy tree and correct planting methods.
When choosing a tree species for your property, it is important to consider the mature size of the tree, the space available and the proximity to services and buildings.
Property owners and developers have a role to play in maintaining the benefits that trees bring to the urban environment. As such, you are asked to ensure that any tree adjacent to your development area survives this period and does not deteriorate in condition.
In all instances where trees are on a verge next to a construction site, conditions for the protection of trees will apply. These are to be regarded as minimum conditions. It is recommended you engage an Arborist to prepare a tree management plan to ensure the trees survive the building process.
Implementation of tree a protection zone
The Australian standard for protection of trees on development sites, AS 4970 – 2009, details protection measures for trees on or adjacent to construction sites during the period of construction, and this document is the City's basis for tree protection.
Further to this Australian Standard, the City has set a minimum tree protection zone, which requires temporary fencing be used (a minimum of four panels) to create a 2m protection zone around any tree on a verge opposite construction works. The purpose of this zone is to prevent damage to the canopy, trunk and structural root zone of the tree(s).
There may be instances when a larger tree protection zone is needed, depending on the size of the tree. You may be asked to obtain a report from a Consulting Arborist in regards to further protection measures required if the tree is deemed to be of significance.
It is important to note that the fence cannot be moved during the period of construction, and can only be removed once construction is complete and return of the verge bond has been finalised. Should you need to move the fence or work within this area, you will need to contact the City to discuss your requirements for entering this zone and gain approval to do so. Failure to do this could forfeit your verge bond and/or require you to pay for remedial works or removal of the tree, and planting of an appropriate species in its place if there is damage or death of the tree.