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    Retaining Walls Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies

    The purpose of this policy is to provide standards for considering retaining walls and associated site works within residential and non-residential zones in the City.

    Election Caretaker Period Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies

    To ensure compliance and alignment with the Caretaker Period provisions in the Local Government Act 1995, the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, and the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates and Code of Conduct for Employees.

    Cash Backed Reserves Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies

    To provide a strategic framework for the establishment and utilisation of Financial (Cash-Backed) Reserves.

    Civic Allowance Policy - Chief Executive Officer and Directors [PDF]October 2024Policies

    To ensure that there is accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Directors in carrying out their roles.

    Official Photograph of Council Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies

    To provide information and a photographic record of the Elected Members and Senior Management staff who have served at the Council.

    Graffiti Vandalism Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies

    To provide a service to clean, remove or cover incidents of graffiti vandalism in Bayswater. To provide guidelines for a multi-pronged campaign against this very visible form of vandalism.

    Landscaping Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies
    Telecommunications Infrastructure Policy [PDF]October 2024Policies
    Requirement to Hold a Working with Children Check Policy [PDF]July 2024Policies

    To document the requirement for hirers of Council facilities and organisations/individuals who participate in City functions, events or services involving child related activities to demonstrate that they have complied with the Working with Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004.

    Child Safe Awareness Policy [PDF]July 2024Policies

    This Child Safe Awareness policy is one of the ways the City of Bayswater demonstrates its commitment
    to being child safe and a zero-tolerance approach to child abuse.

    This policy aims to reduce the risk of harm and child sexual abuse in our communities by encouraging
    child safe environments to be created and maintained. The City of Bayswater is committed to encouraging
    local organisations to be child safe and ensure children are safe and empowered.

    Asset Management Policy [PDF]July 2024Policies

    The purpose of the Asset Management (AM) policy is to ensure that services delivered by the City continue
    to be sustainably delivered as well as for the purpose of achieving the City’s Strategic Community Plan.

    The City of Bayswater’s sustainable service delivery needs will be met by ensuring adequate provision is
    made for the long-term planning, financing, operation, maintenance, renewal, upgrade, and disposal of
    physical assets required for service delivery.

    Funding and the Provision of In Kind Support for Minor Works for Public and Private Schools within the City of Bayswater Policy [PDF]July 2024Policies

    To provide guidelines for the provision of funding and/or in kind support for minor works for public and private schools within the City of Bayswater which are publically accessible outside of school hours or where covered by a separate agreement.

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